Sustainable Development Goal 10 is to reduce inequality within and among countries, often abbreviated as SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities. The aim of this goal is to reduce social, economic and political inequality between people of different ages, sexes, physical ability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status, as part of ensuring equal opportunity and reduction of inequalities of outcomes. Inequality lies at the heart of discrimination against people with diverse SOGIESC: reducing systemic inequality and, in particular, ensuring transformative equality, is a development imperative.
SDG 10 is a diverse SOGIESC issue because people with diverse SOGIESC face high levels of inequality that have far-reaching impacts. Mentions of diverse sexual orientation, gender identities and expressions, and sex characteristics are carefully avoided within the SDGs—but it is within SDG 10 in particular that the imperative for transformative equality for people with diverse SOGIESC can be found. Reducing inequality based on intersectional identities including ‘other status’ leaves space to include people with diverse SOGIESC as part of the SDG agenda.
The resources available under SDG 10 cover a wide range of issues including: considerations of the heteronormativity of development practice; safety and legal protection and equality for people with diverse SOGIE; migration and marginalisation; working with faith-based organisations for inclusive development; and taking a human rights based approach to inclusive programming.
These resources have been compiled to enable development practitioners to develop and implement transformative programming that takes a norms-based approach to social change, and to empower practitioners with the information they need to better meet the targets of SDG 10.