In January 2020, a highly contagious novel coronavirus began racing across Wuhan Province in Southern China. By March 2020, COVID-19 had reached nearly all countries on earth. Governments around the world began taking drastic measures in an attempt to limit the spread of COVID-19: millions of people were all but confined to their homes during staged lockdowns, workers were told to work from home if possible, unprecedented social support packages were introduced, and the healthcare system was put under previously unimaginable strain as hundreds of thousands of people were diagnosed with COVID-19. As the COVID-19 pandemic rages on, we are becoming more acutely aware of inequities and inequalities in our healthcare systems–and in our COVID-19 response plans. The diverse SOGIESC community faces particular risks from COVID-19 and from government response. This special feature section of the 42 Degrees Library compiles currently available resources on diverse SOGIESC experiences and needs during COVID-19. COVID-19 poses a unique challenge for our community, and involves humanitarian and development practitioners around the world. These resources highlight the ways in which response can be inclusive, and the ways it is currently exclusive. We will be adding to this section throughout the pandemic, and hope that you will contribute resources we might have missed.
Celebrating Intersex Awareness Day
This Think Piece by Lana Woolf highlights the importance of critical con...
Education for all: Exploring the imperative for in...
This Think Piece is by Edge Effect intern Anna Wiseman explores the nece...
It’s All About Governance: Making Disaster Risk ...
This Think Piece by Elena Robertson, written in honour of International ...
Previous Features

International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
The 42 Degrees Library is celebrating the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction this 13th of October. We explore this year's theme, Good Governance, in interviews and a Think Piece.

Real Life Heroes
In honour of World Humanitarian Day, the 42 Degrees Library is celebrating Real Life Heroes this 19 August. People and communities with diverse SOGIESC are often thought of only in their capacity as 'vulnerable persons.'
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