This document provides specific examples of emerging best practice for the inclusion of LGBTIQ+ people in humanitarian action and DRR planning and response. The document opens with a brief overview of the pre-emergency status of the LGBTIQ+ population—often the most marginalised in a society—and notes the lack of sexual orientation, gender identity/expression (SOGIE) disaggregated data that perpetuates this marginalisation and invisibility. The paper then provides a summary of an emerging best practice paper—Edge Effect’s ‘Down by the River’ (2018) report—before providing infographics on LGBT awareness.
The document then summarises IPPF’s approach to LGBTIQ+ inclusion, the findings of a recent Pakistan Red Crescent Transgender roundtable, and the insights from a meeting of Pacific Island LGBTIQ+ community members. The themes of exclusion, discrimination and widespread violence are constant throughout this document.