Good Practices from Asia-Pacific 6: LGBTIQ+ Rights and Inclusion in Humanitarian Action and Disaster Risk Reduction

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Publication Date2017


Author(s)None Specified

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This resource is relevant for humanitarian practitioners interested in best practice for diverse SOGIESC inclusion in a variety of thematic areas; it focuses on Asia and the Pacific, and is a useful starting point.

This document provides specific examples of emerging best practice for the inclusion of LGBTIQ+ people in humanitarian action and DRR planning and response. The document opens with a brief overview of the pre-emergency status of the LGBTIQ+ population—often the most marginalised in a society—and notes the lack of sexual orientation, gender identity/expression (SOGIE) disaggregated data that perpetuates this marginalisation and invisibility. The paper then provides a summary of an emerging best practice paper—Edge Effect’s ‘Down by the River’ (2018) report—before providing infographics on LGBT awareness.

The document then summarises IPPF’s approach to LGBTIQ+ inclusion, the findings of a recent Pakistan Red Crescent Transgender roundtable,  and the insights from a meeting of Pacific Island LGBTIQ+ community members. The themes of exclusion, discrimination and widespread violence are constant throughout this document.


"In practice, however, many states and societies continue to discriminate against and actively perpetuate violence towards LGBTIQ+ persons, resulting in structural violence and social and economic vulnerabilities that are exacerbated
and compounded by crises and natural disasters."


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This document provides specific examples of emerging best practice for the inclusion of LGBTIQ+ people in humanitarian action and DRR planning and response. The document opens with a brief overview of the pre-emergency status of the LGBTIQ+ population—often the most marginalised in a society—and notes the lack of sexual orientation, gender identity/expression (SOGIE) disaggregated data that perpetuates this marginalisation and invisibility. The paper then provides a summary of an emerging best practice paper—Edge Effect’s ‘Down by the River’ (2018) report—before providing infographics on LGBT awareness.

The document then summarises IPPF’s approach to LGBTIQ+ inclusion, the findings of a recent Pakistan Red Crescent Transgender roundtable,  and the insights from a meeting of Pacific Island LGBTIQ+ community members. The themes of exclusion, discrimination and widespread violence are constant throughout this document.