Survey shows the impact of COVID-19 lockdown on LGBT communities

[Resource Types]
[Publication Year]

Publication Date2020


Author(s)Gus Cairns

[Access Data]
Access DataOpen access
[Cluster Area/SDGs]
[Resourcel URL]

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This news article is relevant for humanitarian and development practitioners working with LGBT people and communities around the world, and especially for those involved in pandemic response and healthcare; this article highlights the specific challenges faced by the LGBT community in the face of restrictions.

This news article presents the findings of a survey that targeted members of the LGBT community to understand their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic and response. The survey was met with a large global response (20,000+ individuals from nearly 140 countries), with a significant number of respondents from Russia, Turkey, France, Indonesia, Thailand and Brazil.

Overall, the survey found that the LGBT community has experienced significant challenges as a result of COVID-19 pandemic responses. These challenges include accessing healthcare, specifically HIV/AIDS care; livelihoods and monetary income, especially for the 13% of respondents who earned income from sex work prior to the pandemic; and age-differentiated challenges.

This article points to an area of global concern around the specific impacts of COVID-19 and pandemic response on the LGBT community. This article highlights the importance of new technologies–such as mobile healthcare–that should be investigated to support the LGBT community.


"...the measures introduced in response to the COVID-19 epidemic have had a significant impact on the health and economic security of a significant minority of respondents from the LGBT community."


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This news article presents the findings of a survey that targeted members of the LGBT community to understand their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic and response. The survey was met with a large global response (20,000+ individuals from nearly 140 countries), with a significant number of respondents from Russia, Turkey, France, Indonesia, Thailand and Brazil. Overall, the survey found that the LGBT community has experienced significant challenges as a result of COVID-19 pandemic responses. These challenges include accessing healthcare, specifically HIV/AIDS care; livelihoods and monetary income, especially for the 13% of respondents who earned income from sex work prior to the pandemic; and age-differentiated challenges. This article points to an area of global concern around the specific impacts of COVID-19 and pandemic response on the LGBT community. This article highlights the importance of new technologies--such as mobile healthcare--that should be investigated to support the LGBT community.