Blueprint for the Provision of Comprehensive Care for Trans People and Trans Communities in Asia and the Pacific

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Publication Date2015


Author(s)None Specified

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This is relevant for humanitarians because it provides specific guidelines for protecting the human rights and people from the diverse SOGIESC community—and provides a glossary of terms that will be useful for familiarising medical practitioners in humanitarian settings with diverse SOGIESC-inclusive and sensitive practice.

The purpose of The Blueprint for the Provision of Comprehensive Care for Trans People and Trans Communities in Asia and the Pacific (the Blueprint) is to strengthen and enhance the policy-related, clinical, and public health responses for trans people in Asia and the Pacific.

The Blueprint provides an overview of the specific challenges facing the diverse SOGIESC community in Asia and the Pacific. Section 1 provides an introduction to healthcare issues for trans and intersex communities, including access, appropriateness, safety and dignity. Section 2 looks at human rights obligations for states to provide adequate and appropriate healthcare for trans and intersex people. Section 3 looks more specifically at the human rights issues that are priority areas for trans and intersex communities, such as legal gender recognition, violence, discrimination, over-representation in detention and legal mechanisms. Section 4 moves into comprehensive care, prevention and support for trans and intersex people, such as recognising, treating and prevention mental ill-health, drug and alcohol abuse, and HIV and other STIs. Section 5 provides specific guidance on working with gender-diverse youth and children. Case studies from Southeast Asia and the Pacific are used throughout the paper.

The final section provides policy recommendations for states and healthcare providers.


"Invisibility affects trans men both before and after transitioning. The absence of local terminology or concepts defining or identifying trans masculine identities means that most trans men have grown up very isolated, not possessing the ability to express why they feel differently from their peers."


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The purpose of The Blueprint for the Provision of Comprehensive Care for Trans People and Trans Communities in Asia and the Pacific (the Blueprint) is to strengthen and enhance the policy-related, clinical, and public health responses for trans people in Asia and the Pacific.

The Blueprint provides an overview of the specific challenges facing the diverse SOGIESC community in Asia and the Pacific. Section 1 provides an introduction to healthcare issues for trans and intersex communities, including access, appropriateness, safety and dignity. Section 2 looks at human rights obligations for states to provide adequate and appropriate healthcare for trans and intersex people. Section 3 looks more specifically at the human rights issues that are priority areas for trans and intersex communities, such as legal gender recognition, violence, discrimination, over-representation in detention and legal mechanisms. Section 4 moves into comprehensive care, prevention and support for trans and intersex people, such as recognising, treating and prevention mental ill-health, drug and alcohol abuse, and HIV and other STIs. Section 5 provides specific guidance on working with gender-diverse youth and children. Case studies from Southeast Asia and the Pacific are used throughout the paper.

The final section provides policy recommendations for states and healthcare providers.